Saturday, June 14, 2014


I never seem to make time to blog about projects I'm working on... but I'm determined to change that!

I have created three blogs that have some redundancy in their subject matter, but it seemed better to at least try and split my dabblings into pieces rather than jam it all in one place...
  • (this blog) computer-controlled machine tools, related electronics and software, and general machining stuff.  Also eventually some CNC-related robotics stuff.
  • miniature electromechanical systems, design and fabrication of tiny electronic circuits, and tools related to those things.
  • general electronics stuff that doesn't obviously belong in the other blogs.  Also PCB fabrication in my little workshop.
These overlap quite a bit.  I'll try to focus on stuff directly CNC-related here.

I'm a bit of a pack-rat when it comes to workshop-related eBay finds; I've been collecting parts and various odd bits for years, and I'm itching to get those parts into useful machinery... that is what I will primarily write about here.

I'll make a post soon about my current workshop setup.  It's not super impressive but might be of interest.

I just recently started building a (hopefully) high-precision platform for making circuit boards and other light machining tasks.  I got it in my head that I wanted to design and build (most of) the electronics for it as well, including the CNC controller itself... so there's lots of stuff to write about!

More soon! :)  With pictures! :)

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